قاصدک qAsedak

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Hostage Crisis, a revisit
يادمان اشغال سفارت آمريكا و عواقب آن

This program was produced and aired by MY Iran TV, in Portland, OR

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Political Chain Murders of Iran
یازدهمین سال قتلهای زنجیره ای

This program was produced and aired by My Iran TV in Portland, OR

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A review of Alavi Foundation from its birth until now
مروري بر بنياد علوي از تاسيس تا كنون

This program was produced and aired by My Iran TV in Portland, OR

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Ustad Shajarian and his Gun, a reflection on non-violent resistance in Iran.
يادي از آواز استاد شجريان و تفنگش و مروري بر جنبش حشونت ستيز در ايران

This program was produced and aired by My Iran TV in Portland, OR

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Situation of Iran's People Mujahedin(MEK)at Camp Ashraf in Iraq and threat of their exchange with Iran.
سرنوشت مجاهدين خلق در عراق و خطر اخراجشان به ايران

This program was produced and aired by My Iran TV in Portland, OR

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Iranian non violent resistance and reactionaries -
مبارزات خشونت پرهيز مردم ايران و عكس العمل گرايان مدعي رهبري آن!

This program was produced and aired by My Iran TV in Portland, OR.

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How can we help the movement from abroad -
چگونگي حمايت ايرانيان خارج كشور از جنبش سبز؟

This program was produced and aired by My Iran TV in Portland, OR

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